How to Hire a Cleaning Lady in Colombia: A Complete Guide for Expats and Locals

Thinking of hiring a cleaning lady in Colombia? Whether an expat just setting up a new home or looking to free up some time, finding reliable domestic help can make all the difference. While it may seem at first to be an overwhelming task-avan with the right approach, you can definitely find someone who suits your needs and will fit seamlessly into your home.

Understanding The Market

In Colombia, there is still a high demand for ayudantes. Both expat and local people need cleaners to efficiently manage their households. Domestic service employs approximately 750,000 people according to DANE, the Colombian National Administrative Department of Statistics.

Payment Standards

Prices for housekeepers differ depending on the region. For major cities such as Bogotá and Medellín, the work for a cleaning lady should be paid in the following way: COP 15,000 - COP 25,000 ($4-$6) per hour. Probably on a weekly or monthly contract, the price could be cheaper.

Legal Requirements

The employers shall follow labor laws, which in this case means registering the cleaning lady with social security, EPS, and Pension Funds, making eventual payments for severance and CESANTÍAS. Failure to comply will lead to fines.

Finding Reliable Help

You can get reliable help through referrals from friends or neighbors who have hired cleaning ladies in the past. Online services like YoPongoElHogar or local Facebook groups list people offering them.

Understanding these market dynamics helps ensure you hire a trustworthy and legally compliant cleaning lady in Colombia.

Determining Your Cleaning Needs

Before hiring a cleaning lady in Colombia, decide what works best for your household.

Frequency Of Service

Determine how often you want cleaning services. Options available are daily, weekly, biweekly, or once a month. Daily service is suitable for big families and homes where there is high human traffic. Small households or those where regular upkeep is done will suffice with weekly or bi-weekly cleanings. Monthly services are fit for deep cleanings and homes that are less occupied, while on a weekly and biweekly basis works for families who have smaller households where upkeep is done on a frequent basis. Make this part clear from the word go to avoid conflict in later days.

Specific Tasks Required

State precisely what you need your cleaning lady to do. Normal ones include sweeping, mopping, dusting, laundry, and doing the dishes. Mention extra work that one needs to do, such as window washing or cleaning closets. Do a checklist so that no area would be left uncovered. This helps in hiring only that particular type of cleaner who would be fit for every skill required to satisfy your household needs.

Where To Find A Cleaning Lady

In Colombia, finding a cleaning lady requires looking to a number of other trusted sources. Get recommendations, go online, and check with local agencies to find reliable help.


Draw on personal contacts in order to find a cleaning lady. If friends, neighbours, or colleagues can recommend someone reliable, then that saves a lot of hassle. Most would want to employ help through this means because it guarantees reliability; they trust their referrals. You can also ask around in expatriate groups since they may have experience with trusted household help. Always check the recommendation by meeting up with the candidate and talking about your needs.

Online Platforms

Go online and look for cleaning services effectively. Websites like CompuTrabajo and OLX advertise many candidates offering their services in the main cities of Colombia. Another heads-up would be Facebook groups expat-related or local job postings, which more often than not have postings looking for work as cleaners. Make sure to read the reviews or ask for references with the intention of making a decision regarding their credibility.

Local Agencies

Otherwise, the process would be safer and more feasible through agencies. Agencies like "Servihogar" or "Aseadoras Profesionales" guarantee that domestic helpers undergo training for their specified jobs and take responsibility for all legal issues, such as registration in social security. The fees from agencies are more expensive than hiring directly, but agencies give confidence in knowing that the candidate is well Background-checked and administrative matters are taken care of by them.

Evaluating Candidates

When hiring a cleaning lady in Colombia, proper pre-screening will ensure you get reliable and skilled help.

Interview Questions

Put together questions for your interview that allow Colombian maids and house cleaners to talk about their work experiences and compatibility. Request they describe past work, including length of time on previous jobs and the general type of tasks performed. Question preceding cleaning products they have experience with and cleaning techniques used in order to find out general knowledge. Discuss availability to make certain they can accommodate what is needed. Example questions include:

Example questions include:

  1. How many years have you worked as a cleaner?

  2. What type of households or environments have you cleaned?

  3. Would you be comfortable with just the use of eco-friendly cleaning products if necessary?

  4. Can you give some examples of particular cleaning challenges you have faced and how you overcame them?

These questions determine whether the candidate is skillful enough and fits your household requirements.

Checking References

Always check references before making a hiring decision. Call former employers to confirm for you information such as the reliability, whether the candidate always arrived and left on time, or the quality of work. You are contacting references for a reason; ask specific questions from the reference providers.

Typical reference-checking questions:

  1. For how long has [Candidate's Name] worked for you?
    Were there any problems with lateness or absences?
    How would you rate the quality of work from 1-10?
    Would you hire [Candidate's Name] again if given the opportunity?

Reference checks help to verify information obtained during interviews, so you know you are hiring a trustworthy and capable candidate.

Legal Considerations

Hiring a cleaning lady in Colombia involves understanding various legal requirements. Compliance with the elements eliminates fines; it also makes for a good work relationship.

Employment Contracts

You need to draft a formal contract of employment. The terms of employment that shall be covered in the contract include working hours, payment rates, and the nature of the job. Specify clearly the tasks that the worker has to undertake-for example, sweeping, mopping, or laundry-so that he or she does not misunderstand the work. Include clauses on annual leave, sick days, and the conditions for termination.

Have both of you sign it before any work is started. Take a copy for your records, and give one to the employee. This is a legal document that will save your and your cleaning lady's behinds. You'll have in black and white what's expected from each party.

Labor Laws In Colombia

Labor Laws in Colombia demand that all domestic workers be registered for social security, EPS, pension funds, AFP, and severance pay funds, Cesantías. In addition to the above, it is obligatory for the employee to make a contribution for occupational risk insurance, ARL, through a legally authorized entity.

Pay the minimum wage dictated by the employment law, in addition to other benefits like a transportation allowance, where applicable. Observe the law on overtime pay if she works over and above the ordinary working limits as set by standard labor laws. These will help in fairly treating your cleaning lady while keeping you safe from legal penalties.

Understanding these legal aspects simplifies the recruitment while respecting the legal framework of Colombia.

Setting Expectations

Hiring a cleaning lady in Colombia means bringing your expectations to light from the very first day onward. That way, one ensures a workable relationship and avoids misunderstandings.

Work Schedule

You need to define the work schedule based on your needs in the house, indicating which days and how many hours are required for cleaning tasks. Perhaps you need services every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 9 am and 1 pm, or maybe you want every day with shorter assistance. Where applicable, this is clearly outlined to have any flexibility during holidays/family events. Discuss breaks to maintain labor laws, comfortability for both parties.

Payment And Benefits

Determine very clearly the rates of payment and benefits before hiring. For major cities such as Bogotá, normal hourly rates can be in the region of COP 15,000 to COP 25,000 for an hour's work-for example, $4 to $6. Indicate whether the employees will be paid on a weekly or monthly basis, the possibility of bonuses in special instances of greater productivity, or during Christmas time. Complain about legal obligations such as social security, registration for pension funds, and severance pay. Additional benefits, like transportation money, may be in order to increase the satisfaction and commitment of the person with the job.

Finals tips To Hire The Best Colombian Maid

Hiring a cleaning lady in Colombia does not need to be inordinately intimidating. Once you understand the conventions regarding pay, the legal parameters, and where to find your help, you will know just what you are getting into. Whether you opt for word-of-mouth referrals from friends or online resources, once you read between the lines, this is your starting point to ensure a good working relationship. Remember, you need to consider your particular needs and legally register your domestic helper to avoid potential complications.

All these steps ensure that the process of hiring is efficiently smooth and will create a clean, harmonious household environment between you and your cleaning lady.
