Sparkly Maid Chicago

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Deep apartment cleaning in Chicago

We are here to discuss some details towards one of the services that we rendered, but before we provide information, first do you have any idea what is deep apartment cleaning is and second are you located in Chicago, Illinois and If you do, we at Sparkly Maid can make sure to make your amazing apartment SPARKLE as new, perfectly new that you would not even know that it is an apartment, you could think it will be like a house yet an apartment but because of our service you will feel like home.

Since you are continuously reading our blog, we believed that you are pretty interested in our genuine service. Now first what is Deep Cleaning Service, well if you have already read some of our blogs you might already know what it is, however, just a very quick description of that service, this is a very unique upgrade that will be beneficial to your apartment specially if you just repainted your apartment, have a cool party or just even a game night. What this service will focus on is to clean the kitchen floors together with counters and also your bathrooms. Nowadays, some people discuss that this service is a bit pricey than the usual standard cleaning, to be honest, it is, however, since our cleaners are doubling, I mean tripling the cleaning service that is done to your apartment, we believe that they deserve an extra credit for that, and Deep Cleaning Service is not that easy to complete, in addition, our cleaners merely spent another hour from the standard service just to perfectly complete a Deep Cleaning to your apartment.

Let us point out some possible reason why you should take our Deep Apartment Cleaning Service.

  • One thing is your health, we mean it is either you cannot do the cleaning anymore due to you are old, you cannot do the Deep Cleaning because you are allergic to dust or any dirty things or if this person is with a disability. Either way, we can still accommodate this service with no issue at all.

  • Another probability is you might be tired of doing everything in the house, the laundry, the cooking and even taking good care for your child or children. Deep Cleaning is the answer for this, our cleaner will focus on your kitchen so you can cook neatly for dinner time, Deep Clean will scrub the floors if your kids mess it up and we personally guarantee you it will be like brand new.

  • Most people say this and basically, you might be one of them, if you work 5 days a week and you need a quick Deep Clean to your apartment due to it has not been sweep nor vacuumed or even scrub for a week or two. We understand that you are already tired at work, you do not have to worry because our Sparkly Maid Cleaners are perfectly trained for this kind of situations.

  • Another reason why you need Deep Cleaning services is if you are Moving In or Moving Out on an apartment, especially if you are Moving In on a new apartment we can never tell how hygienic the previous person is, it is still best to get a Deep Cleaning to make sure that your new apartment is clean and disinfected. This will be the same for Moving Out on an apartment, some owners require you to clean the place down before leaving, now the Deep Clean service will be an option to make sure that the kitchen is not greasy and the bathroom floors is scrub thoroughly, so when the next person arrives on his or her new apartment they can say that the previous person who live there really appreciate a clean home. With that generous act, the new person living on the apartment can do the Deep Clean service as well when he or she leaves the place, a simple courtesy but a huge impact towards life.

The best thing about Sparkly Maid is we can accommodate Saturdays, which means that the Deep Cleaning Service is available on the weekend as well. This is perfect for the families that wish to go out on a weekend and spend family time because once you come back your apartment is already Deep Cleaned. If you are single or you have a roommate that is very tight in the schedule, you guys can choose the perfect time for the cleaner to come in and the do the Deep Clean which means our cleaner is very flexible towards this matter.

Let us see then the difference between an Apartment Cleaning towards a standard House Cleaning.

  • For the Apartment Cleaning since this is only an apartment mostly customers only have one to two bedrooms and just one bathroom, the cost for a standard cleaning will be cheap rather than a House Cleaning, due to normally a house will have two to three bedrooms and two bathrooms, if we are about to compare both them, the Apartment Cleaning is much cheaper.

  • Aside from price we can also take note that the smaller the area the quicker our Sparkly Maid cleaner will finish the job, and if you added the Deep Clean, it will only add an hour to the normal time-frame given not unlike the House Cleaning our Sparkly Maid cleaner will take a lot of time and since it is big they will cover a lot of floors to be scrub. That is why if you are living in an apartment and you are too tired or you cannot do a Deep Clean, Sparkly Maid can surely help you, cost effective and time efficient.

Now since we have an idea towards the Apartment and House Cleaning, we can now take a glimpse the difference between Standard Cleaning and Deep Cleaning.

  • Standard Cleaning will include of mopping the floors, basic dusting and vacuuming of carpets for all the areas of the apartment or house such as the bathrooms, kitchen, bedroom, living room and especially the dining room.

  • For Deep Cleaning this will serve as an add on into your Standard Cleaning Service, our Sparkly Maid cleaner will still do floors, dusting and vacuum of carpets towards all common areas of the apartment or house, in addition, the Deep Clean benefit, will focus on the kitchen area our Sparkly Maid cleaner will remove the grease on your counter tops, to your stoves, and in your microwave oven after that our cleaners will go on the bathroom, normally if this area was not professionally cleaned or was not cleaned in the months then it will definitely need a Deep Cleaning, what our Sparkly Maid cleaners will do is to thoroughly clean and scrub the tiles, the tub, including the shower doors, the cleaner will also remove molds and they will also disinfect the toilet bowl and the toilet sink.

  • Since we mentioned the Standard Cleaning and our Deep Clean, now we would like to include our Heavy Duty Cleaning, what is Heavy Duty Cleaning, normally we offer this service for post construction in which the Apartment is really dusty or crowded with dirt and messy things, and a Standard Cleaning with Deep Clean will not be enough for this matter. The Heavy Duty Cleaning service will be the answer since the dust is everywhere, normally our Sparkly Maid cleaner will clean the dust very thoroughly and they will make sure that no dust or dirt can be found on your apartment. Another instance where a Heavy Duty Cleaning is required if the apartment has not been professionally cleaned for over six months, our cleaner will focus on the entire apartment and make sure that your home is spotless.

What do you think about the service that we offer? Are you enlighten towards your inquiry? Are your questions have been answered? Now before we wrap everything up we wanted to summarize it to you, since our focus here is about Apartment Cleaning, the good thing about an apartment is since this is a small area it is much faster to mop with easier to dust and much quicker to finish the vacuum of carpets, and in addition, for an Apartment Cleaning service you will benefit from this towards your bills or fees because the smaller the area the lesser the rooms which means the lesser the fees, it is a win-win situation for you. Since we are trying to do a Deep Apartment Cleaning this add on will surely be good for your apartment because our Sparkly Maid cleaners will definitely be the one to completely scrub the floors thoroughly, disinfect remove the molds of the bathrooms and they will also remove the grease from your kitchen area.

We hope we have answered all your questions and inquiries, and our Sparkly Maid Cleaners is looking forward to going to your home and do the cleaning service for your apartment. Hiring a professional cleaner will be the best thing you can do for your Apartment and adding a little bit of Deep Clean will surely make your Apartment a home to stay on.